That person made a Performance Built Log Splitter call to Steve Cohen. They acted on - apparently on the information, made a fortune. TLog Splitter was a separate case involving an early information about a Dell computer earnings report. In that case, an email actually went to Mr. Cohen. Some dispute about whether he saw it, read it, what it meant. But government investigators from the FBI and the Securities Exchange Commission had a lot of information and took action against the Log Splitter and many of the individuals.
How did it shake out? Who pleaded guilty? Who was held accountable? KOLHATKAR: Well, it was very dramatic, as you've already stated. I mean, they - the government, these are Securities Exchange Commission lawyers, FBI agents and criminal prosecutors mostly working in the southern district of New York in Lower Manhattan. They spent years building this case. You know, the FBI approached people on their lawns. You know, they tried to get Martoma to flip at Log Splitter point. He fainted. DAVIES: In his driveway.
KOLHATKAR: You know, they - in his driveway in Boca Raton, Fla. I mean, he literally passed out cold on the ground. And BJ Kang stood tLog Splitter sort of baffled. You know, they got people to flip. They built cooperators. They had wiretaps. They had a wiretap on Steve Cohen at Log Splitter point. They tried very hard. And a tremendous amount of momentum built up suggesting that they were going to charge Cohen with something. In the interim they had charged or secured guilty pleas from several - at least eight - of his employees.
And two in particular, Mathew Martoma and Michael Steinberg, were set to go to trial. They were fighting their charges. TLog Splitter were going to be these two high-profile trials. And the expectation within the government was Log Splitter of these guys is going to do what's in his best interests and flip. And they were close enough to Cohen that they - you know, the government felt that tLog Splitter was a good chance that they would sort of get some evidence against Cohen himself. And that was their hope.
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